Trailer Vision
Your Safety, Our Priority
The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) requires vehicles (12T+) that don't meet the highest Star rating (Star ratings are provided by vehicle OEMs and will be dependent on the make/model and specification) to be installed with a 'Safe System' and operators to apply for a 'HGV Safety Permit' (required from 26 Oct 20 to enter the LEZ). The 'Safe System' does not change the vehicle's Star Rating, but does enable operators to gain a 'HGV Safety Permit'. Amongst other 'equipment' a 'Safe System' must include:
Side Camera (elimination of side blind-spot) and Monitor
Side Detection System (recommended that it does not detect 'roadside furniture' i.e. not ultrasonic sensors)
Turning Warning Alarm (left turn)
Pictorial Stickers, warning VRUs
Additionally the following equipment is recommended:
Front Sensors / Sensor System
A DVS guide and further information is available here

Why Cycle-Safe™
Combined camera and detector
Only detects moving objects/VRUs*
Ultra-wide angle (1.3MP) lens
No requirement for additional/multiple detectors
Can be integrated
DVS** and FORS** compliant
Reduced driver workload (false alarms)
No blind spot
Quick, simple and neat installation
Utilise with other cameras, alarms and a DVR
Suitable for all applications

Enforcement to start in 2021
Enforcement will be introduced from 1 March 2021 at the earliest. The start date will be confirmed by October 2020 and published on the TFL website.
This is to give affected businesses more time to meet the new standards as they face intense demands from the coronavirus pandemic.
Transport for London (TFL) have released guidance to support Phase 1 of the Direct Vision Standard (DVS), see below. The new legislation, applicable to vehicles over 12 tonnes, begins 26 October 2020, although operators can start applying for Permits in October 2019. Permits are required for vehicles that operate in Greater London / LEZ & will not be automatically granted.
October 2019 - DVS Permit and Safe System applications open
26 October 2020 - DVS legislation live in Greater London (0 Star vehicles banned/fined - £550 / £275 if paid within 14 days)
October 2024 - DVS star requirement increased to 3 stars (1 & 2 Star vehicles banned/fined)
October 2041 - target for the Mayor of London's 'Vision Zero' (see below)
Star Ratings
Vehicle operators will need to contact their vehicle manufacturer to find out what their vehicle(s) DVS Star Rating is, as there isn't a published list (as the rating is effected by options/accessories etc) . Operators will need to confirm their vehicle/fleet VIN(s). Contacts:
DAF 01844 261 111
Dennis Eagle
MAN 01793 448 000
Renault 01926 401 777
Scania 01908 210 210
Volvo 01926 401 777
For further information and to check your vehicle please click here.
If the vehicle has Zero Stars the operator will need to apply for a Safe System to be eligible for the 'HGV Safety Permit'.
0 Star - Poor (Safe System required)
1 Star - Minimum requirement to meet DVS
5 Star - Best
Permit Requirements
All vehicles over 12 tonnes and operating in Greater London will need a HGV Safety Permit, from Oct 20. However, if your vehicle(s) meets the minimum requirements for the Direct Vision Standard of 1 Star, a Permit will automatically be granted (application still required). Unfortunately there are few vehicles that will achieve even 1 Star. If the vehicle(s) does not meet the requirements, then a Permit can be attained by utilising a 'Safe System'. The Safe System is a safety equipment specification, similar to that of FORS Silver / CLOCS, which requires systems for indirect vision (cameras, sensors and audible alarms) to be fitted to the vehicle to improve visibility and safety.
If a vehicle(s), with a Permit, is sold/bought, the new owner must apply for a new Permit.
Permit Duration
All Permits granted between Oct 19 and Oct 20 will have a commencement date of October 2020. The duration of the Permit will depend upon the following factors:
Zero Star vehicles, with a Safe System, will be granted a Permit until 2024 (Progressive Safe System implementation)
1 & 2 Star vehicles will be granted a Permit until 2024 (Progressive Safe System implementation)
3, 4 & 5 Star vehicles will be granted a 10 year permit (until Oct 2030)
Permits are Free of Charge (apply here). Exemptions (e.g. military vehicles) are detailed in the Guide below.
Safe System
The Safe System is designed to eliminate vehicle blind-spots, warn Vulnerable Road Users (VRU's) of intended manoeuvre, warn the driver of the presence of a VRU and minimise any physical impact. The Safe System must include:
Side Camera (elimination of side blind-spot) and Monitor
Side Detection System (recommended that it does not detect 'roadside furniture' i.e. not ultrasonic sensors)
Turning Warning Alarm (left turn)
Pictorial Sticker(s), warning VRUs (cyclists, motorcyclists & pedestrians) of the blind-spot
Additionally the following equipment is recommended:
Front Sensors / Sensor System
Utilising a Safe System enables the application/granting of a Permit, but the Star Rating of the vehicle(s) does not change.
Progressive Safe System
The first review of the Safe System is scheduled for 2024, when it is proposed the minimum DVS star rating will be increased to 3 Stars. This review will take into account any additional technology or safety equipment that was not available in 2020. This will become known as the Progressive Safe System.
Obtaining a HGV Safety Permit
Step 1 - Confirm whether your vehicle(s) require a Permit (HGV's 12+ tonnes GVW that operate in the Greater London area)
Step 2 - Confirm your vehicle(s) Star Rating (contact your vehicle manufacturer: 0 Star - Step 3, 1-5 Stars - Step 4)
Step 3 - Utilise a Safe System (if required / Star Rating of Zero) - Please Contact Us for a quote
Step 4 - Apply for a Safety Permit (apply here)
The Mayor of London has adopted 'Vision Zero' for road danger in London, aiming for all deaths and serious injuries from road collisions to be eliminated from London's streets by 2041. Additionally:
30% of London traffic is freight (at peak times)
Freight accounts for a disproportionate amount of accidents/injuries/fatalities
Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) make up less than 4% of the miles driven in London, but were involved in around 78% of cyclist fatalities and 20% of pedestrian fatalities in 2015
4000 people were killed or seriously injured, on London roads in 2017
HGV blind-spots can extend up to 2.5m at the nearside & up to 1.4m at the front
Cycle-Safe™ can be supplied as part of a DVS Safe System that not only meets the basic requirements, but also the recommended DVS Safe System requirements. Additionally, it's not inconceivable that the Progressive Safe System review (2024) will call for the use of 'intelligent' side-detection systems like Cycle-Safe™, rather than allowing the use of 'dumb' ultrasonic side-detection systems, which are proven to have high false alarm rates (further information here).
DVS Progressive Safe System
TfL have recently announced the criteria (if not detailed specification) for the upcoming (Oct 24) changes / 'Progressive Safe System':
Summary of Progressive Safe System
Improving indirect vision.
Camera Monitoring Systems (CMS) guidance will be updated to allow use of both systems. This will give the driver a wider field of vision and reduce the cognitive workload.
CMS fitted on vehicles must eliminate any remaining blind spots. This provides a visual alert of an approaching vulnerable road user and prevents collisions in the blind spot area.
Sensors must ensure full coverage down the nearside of rigid vehicles to detect vulnerable road users. They must not activate in relation to roadside furniture or stationary vehicles. This aims to prevent left turn collisions. For articulated trailers, sensors must be fitted to the front tractor unit but are recommended for the trailer where possible.
Moving Off Information Systems (MOIS) sensors must be fitted to the front of a vehicle to prevent collisions at the frontal blind spot zone when a vehicle moves off from rest, warning vulnerable road users of intended manoeuvres.
Audio warnings must be fitted to all vehicles, including those with left-hand drive to ensure all vehicles have the ability to warn of an intended manoeuvre.
Warning signage requirements remain unchange.
Side-guard requirements remain unchanged, minimising physical impact of a hazard.
Camos-UK can supply a camera/sensor to meet MOIS and are currently investigating whether Cycle-Safe™ (tractor mounted) can also meet the Recommended Progressive Safe System criteria for trailers (or whether an additional camera/sensor will be required).
Update (Sep 24)
'PSS Upgrade Kit' for our previous Cycle-Safe™ customers is now available.
Additionally, we can supply new customers etc with a complete DVS PSS system, which will include all the required system parts (Radar BSIS and AI MOIS). Please Contact Us for further information or to place an order.